Reimagined Manhood

We give boys a healthy understanding of what it means to be a man, and every week they take an Oath to become that kind of man.

Social-Emotional Learning

Students learn key social and emotional skills that are necessary for success in careers, relationships, and life.

Mentoring & Coaching

Boys often lack consistent adult males in their lives. We give them screened and successful men to mentor them and coach them.

Parent Training

Parents are key to any child’s success. Yet single mothers especially start to lose the ability to influence their boys. We re-empower them to effectively parent their sons.

An evidence-based strategy for training boys to be men.

Component 1: Mentoring and Coaching

Because boys so often live with just their mother, and lack consistent involvement by their fathers, Project Manhood provides them with a Mentor-Coach.

Mentoring focuses on providing boys with a role model, “friend,” and support person. Project Manhood tends to emphasize group mentoring with some individual meetings.

Coaching helps boys become very clear on their goals and then teaches them how to reach their goals given the challenges in their lives.


Component 2: Social-Emotional Learning

Using the evidence-based Second Step curriculum, Project Manhood teaches boys five key skills for understanding themselves, handling their emotions, and building strong relationships.

These competencies have been shown to be critical for academic success and are likewise highly valued in today’s workplace. They also help boys avoid violent conflict and handle the adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or traumas that most experience.

Component 3: Life Skills and Risk Avoidance Training

Using evidence-based curricula, Project Manhood helps boys to develop the concepts, skills, and motivation to resist peer pressure, change attitudes, and promote healthy choices and behaviors.

Of particular focus are conflict management/violence prevention, substance abuse prevention, and sexual risk avoidance through a commitment to success sequencing (delaying sexual activity until key milestones for success have been reached).

And every week, they recite the Oath of Manhood to reinforce the commitment to becoming a responsible, emotionally-healthy adult.

Component 4: Small Business Training

In some Project Manhood programs, there is an entrepreneurship component. Boys learn the essentials of starting and running a business, and then they are given seed money to fund a small project like a water ice stand so that they can earn some money and be rewarded for participating in the program.

Research has shown that entrepreneurial programs help reinforce a commitment to learning, self-efficacy, planning and problem-solving skills, and self-discipline among other important outcomes.

Component 5: Parent Training

Project Manhood offers parents powerful training and support to raise healthy, responsible boys. This is especially necessary for single mothers who begin to lose the ability to impact their boys once they become teenagers.

We use the evidence-based Active Parenting curriculum, with extremely engaging multi-media content.

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